Is Your Eye Simple Today? This is why

  • Types of Eye movements
  • Common Causes
  • How to Stop Spitting
  • When to See a Doctor

Have you ever sat there, just paying attention to your own stuff, just so your eye started to spin like crazy? Believe it or not, it's a common occurrence. After all, there are a number of factors that can cause eye strain. Keep reading to find out what they are, and find out if your cataracts are controllable or something that should be checked by a doctor ASAP.

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According to the University of Michigan Health Kellogg Eye Center, cataracts are divided into three categories: myokymia, benign blepharospasm, and hemifacial spasm. In general, myokymia is the most common type of eye movement, since eyelid retardation is strongly influenced by life factors. Benign essential blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm, on the other hand, are more serious medical problems, as they may involve other facial muscles and may not be able to see. These are also less likely to resolve on their own.1

Although some forms of eye movement can be easily addressed by making simple lifestyle changes, those with a history of blepharospasm may not be as easily affected. Blepharospasm is the scientific name for an uncontrolled eye movement and is often transmitted between family members. As described in an article published in the Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry, blepharospasm twitches can last from seconds to minutes, or, in extreme cases, hours. "It may be healthy or secondly because of a basal ganglia injury, pyramidal tract, trauma, local pathology in the eyes, or caused by drugs," explains the authors of this article.2

According to Brad Brocwell, MD, VP of Now Optics Clinical Services, which includes Stanton Optical and My Eyelab commercials, these long-lasting forms of cataracts are often associated with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Tourette's Syndrome, and other brains. and disorders of the nervous system.

If you suspect that your eyelids are associated with blepharospasm (unlike lifestyle factors), your best bet is to visit a doctor as soon as possible. However, if your twitches do not last long and are short and medium, there is a good chance that the lifestyle factor is to blame. With that in mind, continue to learn about the six most common causes of eye strain.

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According to Brocwell, high blood pressure is one of the main causes of cataracts. Also, after a turbulent year like 2020, it is safe to say that everyone has experienced some degree of depression.

He explains: This could mean setting limits on work, colleagues, family, and friends, making time for exercise to help reduce the effects of pent-up stress, or committing to closing each day with meditation, a cool hot shower, or an infrared sauna. sesh. Whatever you decide to do, just make sure it's about reducing stress.

Eye Disease

If you spend a lot of time on your phone, tablet, or computer — as many of us did in 2020 because there is little you can do about entertainment — Brocwell says keeping 20-20-20 controls the mind to avoid eye strain and possible movement. "Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and look at something 20 feet [20 m] away for at least 20 seconds," he explains, noting that it is important to take regular breaks from your screens. "This gives your eyes a chance to reset and should reduce eye strain."

Fatigue / Insomnia

Another reason why your eyes may be moving? Do not rest well. Brocwell says eye strain can be a common sign that you need to get a few more z's. As a gentle reminder, Johns Hopkins Medicine recommends that healthy adults sleep between seven and nine hours a night.3 While that may require extra planning on your part, your body, mind, and eyes will appreciate it when you arrive in the morning.

Excessive Caffeine Use

When you drink a lot of caffeine, your body becomes full of energy. While the hope is that the excess will be reflected in positive ways, such as long-term focus, Brocwell says it can lead to eye strain, too. So, if you see your eyes moving every time you drink, say, three cups of coffee a day, try to reduce one or two and watch your doors to move.

Alcohol Abuse

As Brocwell points out and reviews published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research confirm, binge drinking not only results in blurred vision but also cataracts, as well.4 Like caffeine, the best way to avoid these symptoms is to reduce them. your use.

Dry eyes

If your eyes are very dry, Vivek Cherian, MD, an internal medicine specialist with the University of Maryland Medical System, says dizziness may improve. "The dizziness caused by a dry eye can be easily resolved with artificial tears outside the counter," he shares.

How to Stop Spitting

Aside from the fact that in the case of blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm eye twitches, Cherian states that all small twitches tend to resolve on their own. "Changing your lifestyle can make a difference (getting more sleep, reducing alcohol, caffeine, etc.)," ​​he asserts. "Lifestyle changes often lead to a complete resolution of eye movements in the short term."

When Do You See a Doctor About Eye Movement?

If you find that lifestyle changes are not significantly improving how often your eyes move, it is time to make an appointment with your doctor.

“You want to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician if your cataracts continue after a few weeks,” says Cherian, noting that cataracts usually resolve within a few days or weeks.