15 Minutes Best Friendly Beginner Exercises You Can Do At Home

If you are thinking of "extra body work," you are probably thinking of doing a bench press, biceps curls and shoulder pressure in the weight room in the gym. But for beginners, getting into the weight room for the first time can be a little scary.

So if you are just starting out on your fitness journey and want to exercise in the comfort of your own home (it's cheap that way too!), Start with this 15-minute exercise for beginners from Amanda Dale, ACE. -P certified personal trainer and certified Precision Nutrition nutrition trainer. Your arms, shoulders, chest and upper back will definitely feel burning!

That's fine

Do: 30 seconds of each of the following exercises for a total of two rounds.

  1. Exercise
  2. He walks on crabs
  3. Front board
  4. A reclining plank
  5. Submit 1: Push-Up

Start with a high plank with shoulders over the wrists.

To bend your elbows, lower your chest. Your elbows should point at an angle of 45 degrees.

Press your hands back to the beginning.

Move 2 :Crab Walk

Sit with your knees bent and your feet fat on the floor. Place your palms on the floor near both sides of your butt with your fingers facing your glutes.

Press your hands and feet to lift your thighs and body a few inches from the floor.

Take the "step" forward, moving the art of your left hand and right foot at the same time.

Repeat on the other side without letting your glutes touch the floor.

Submit 3: Forearm Plank

Place yourself on a flat surface, place your shoulders directly on your elbows, and hold for 30 seconds.

Move 4: Reversible Plant

Sit with your legs in front of you. Put your hands a little behind you.

Lift your body to the ground so that it is in the shape of a plank.

Round # 1

Do: 15 repetitions of each of the following four exercises. Repeat the same tests for 12 repetitions each, then nine, and finally, six repetitions for a total of four sets.


  1. Front panel to top panel
  2. Curved lines
  3. Triceps jump

Submit 1: Push-Up

  • Start with a high plank with shoulders over the wrists.
  • To bend your elbows, lower your chest. Your elbows should point at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Press your hands back to the beginning.
  • Submit 2: Forearm Plank to High Plan

  • Start at the top plank with your shoulders over your hands.
  • Slowly lower your right arm until your forearm and elbow are flat on the floor.
  • Carefully lean on that arm, then lower your left arm to rest on the floor. Now you have to be on the ground floor.
  • Hold the plank with one count, then slowly return to the push position, one arm at a time.

Move 3: Curved Line

  • Stand in the middle of the resistance band with both feet. Rub your feet about shoulder width apart. Turn the hips forward, and hold one side of the belt in each hand.
  • Start with your arms resting on your sides and palms facing you. Rotate your thumbs slightly forward.
  • Pull your elbows up towards the ceiling. Stand when your elbows reach shoulder length.
  • Hold for two to three seconds, then slowly lower your arms back and forth.

Move 4: Triceps Dip

  • Sit on the edge of the bench with your heels down. Put your hands behind your back so that your fingers are facing forward.
  • Raise your arms straight and pull your hips out of the bench. This is the first place.
  • Bend your elbows and lower them until your arms are at 90 degrees.
  • Pause, then press back to the beginning.

Round # 2

  • Set a timer to turn off every six minutes.
  • For each minute with a odd number (1, 3, 5), try completing five Burpees (remove push-ups and / or jumps if needed).
  • For each minute with an equal number (2, 4, 6), aim to hold the plank high until the timer goes off.

Submit 1: Burpee

  • Stand with your feet together.
  • Dress and put your hands down in front of you.
  • Jump both feet backwards to sit on a high plank. Your body should form a straight line from your feet to the head.
  • Go down in push-up. Press back on the top panel.
  • Jump both feet backwards to return to the squat.
  • Jump up quickly, sit on your knees slightly and repeat.
  • Move 2: Top Plank

Position yourself as if you were on a push-up, hold your shoulders over your wrists and spine, and then hold the position.