Exercise and sex 6 exercise to improve your performance

The benefits of exercise are well-known. It improves overall health and enhances longevity. Exercise and sex are also closely related and the more you exercise, the better your sexual function and satisfaction will be. So, if you want to spice up your sex life, all you have to do is hit the gym. Because, with more energy, a leaner and leaner body, you will definitely feel more confident and happy. Also, this can lead to better sexual performance and greater satisfaction.


A study conducted at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center found that men who exercise more have erectile function and better sexual performance. This was regardless of race or ethnicity. The Journal of Sexual Medicine published this study.

The researchers came to this conclusion after surveying nearly 300 participants who reported their levels of activity, which the researchers classified as sedentary, less active, moderately active or overworked. The articles also reported on their own sexual activity, which includes the ability to have arousal, orgasms, quality and frequency of arousal and sexual activity as a whole.

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The researchers found that men who reported frequent exercise, a total of 18 metabolic equivalent, or METS, per week, had higher sexual scores, regardless of race. MET hours indicate both full-time exercise and strenuous exercise. A total of 18 METS can be achieved by combining physical activity with varying intensity but equals two hours of strenuous exercise, such as running or swimming, 3.5 hours of moderate exercise, or six hours of light exercise.

In contrast, men of any race use the lowest reported levels of sexual activity. Other contributing factors to low sexual functioning included diabetes, age, past or present smoking and coronary artery disease.


Simply put, researchers at Indiana University found that exercise, without any form of sexual stimulation or dreaming, could lead to female orgasm. This is interesting because it suggests that orgasm is not a sexual event. In fact, they can teach us more about physical processes that affect women's orgasm, they say. This is based on an online study of 124 women who reported having orgasms (eIO) and 246 women who experienced sexual pleasure-induced sexual pleasure (EISP). Women ranged in age from 18 to 63. The majority were dating or married, and about 69 percent described themselves as homosexual.

In fact, this condition, although rare, is not uncommon. It also has the term, 'coregasm', because of its association with the spinal cord muscle exercises. The most common exercises associated with orgasm caused by exercise were abdominal exercises, climbing poles or ropes, cycling / spinning and lifting weights. The findings were published in Sexual and Relationship Therapy.


When it comes to exercise, there is no way to measure everything, researchers agree with the above study and add that even a certain level of exercise, even if it is very small, is better than no exercise at all. Do cardio with endurance and strength training in those top positions. Stretching will help you to relax and make you more flexible.

Let's take a look at a few tests that can improve your sexual health.


This is necessary if you want to spice up your sexual life. They improve endurance and control by toning and strengthening the PC and perineal muscles. It can help with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

How: Imagine that you need to urinate quickly. Squeeze your muscles to stop urination. Gradually increase the duration of the contraction, density and frequency of repetition until you are exhausted. Relax when you do this.

Temporary training

Temporary training increases strength and endurance.

How to: Start warming for 3 to 5 minutes. Then start your intervals at full speed for at least 30 seconds. Stand and rest for a minute or two. Repeat.

Butterfly stretches

This will loosen your inner thighs and hips, the muscles needed in various sexual areas.

How to do it: Lie on your back and pull your legs up to your chest. Keep your feet together and your tail down. Use your elbows to press your knees. Be careful not to let your head bend too much and keep your neck and spine relaxed. Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds.


This will strengthen your upper body and spine. It increases patience and will help you in those senior positions during sex.

Method: Replace the wood. Keep the hands directly under the shoulders and feet apart at hip-distance. Do not let your pelvis drop too low or too high. Lower your chest and press slightly backwards upwards.

Bench press

This will strengthen the pecs, deltoids, arms, biceps, triceps, lats and abdominal muscles. And being in a stable ball will give you more back and exercise.

How to do it: Place your middle to lower back into a large stable ball with your feet firmly planted down about the hip- or shoulder-distance. From the pole position, push the dumbbells straight up, directly over the chest.


Squats increase testosterone levels and blood flow to the pelvic area, making orgasms more intense.

How to do it: With a dumbbell in each hand held straight down to your sides, bend at the hips and knees to squat down as much as you can. Keep your back straight. As you lower yourself, raise your arms slightly in front of you to reach shoulder height. Drive between the heels and you will lean naturally