The 15-Day Intestinal Bowel Reconstruction

  • How It Works
  • My Favorite Food
  • Good and evil
  • What I learned
  • Results

Full transparency: I do not usually buy custom cleaning. The cleansing juice, although incredibly fashionable, has no scientific merit on your back, and programs that require the purchase of pre-cooked foods do not feel saturated and taste better, IMO. Besides, "detoxing" is actually just a jargon for sale: A 2015 review concluded that there was no compelling research to support the use of "detox" diets for weight control or detoxification.1 In fact, the FTC and the FDA have adopted . action against a few companies whose toxic products actually contain harmful ingredients or are based on false claims. The body is designed to cleanse itself naturally — the liver breaks down harmful substances (such as alcohol) and releases them into the gut or blood, which is then excreted in the feces or urine, respectively. If we had a lot of so-called “toxins” in our bodies, we would need immediate medical attention. All this to say, the best way to "cleanse" your body is to change your lifestyle: avoid drinking and smoking, exercise, and eating nutritious, unprocessed foods.

Admittedly, my doubts about vomiting changed a bit after I had finished a year of heavy drinking and snacks during a “fun” holiday that left me exhausted and my body yearning for some relief. I received an email about participating in cleansing from The Well, a state-of-the-art health center in New York and Connecticut, and my curiosity was aroused — cleansing is not my thing, but the program, "15- day full body reset" reads a little bit like Gimmick also resembles a modified diet and drink — with a strong focus on the microbiome and intestines — designed by a physician (Dr. Frank Lipman, chief medical officer of The Well). With a complete diet, introducing intestinal supplements, egg yolks, and certain modifications to your components and diet, the program says it improves sleep quality, energy levels, brain function, nutrition, and skin health, all areas I have seen decline over the past year. And the best part: you do not cut yourself off at this point, instead rethink common ingredients like synthetic sugar and transitional fats that can cause inflammation, and replace them with things that are right for you. I even begged my husband to join me, which made the two-week bond even easier.


WHAT: A soft 15-day reset designed to improve the health of your microbiome (also called your gut).

WHO: This program is for anyone who wants to improve bowel health, sleep, stress, and a healthy diet or complete bowel reset.

APPLICATIONS: Helps the user to improve the health and function of the intestines; simultaneously improves sleep quality, energy levels, brain function, nutrition, and skin health; continuous weight loss; better digestion and absorption (meaning less constipation).

  • PRICE: $ 249
  • Gut Complex Ingredients ($ 88)
  • Clean Green Protein ($ 77)
  • Cheap blender bottle
  • 30 minute health training session
  • Printed program guide
  • Unlimited access to in-program health training (via email)
  • Medium web page with informative content (blog articles), recipes, well-tested brands and more.
  • Maintenance guide (to help you support after the end of the program).
  • Access to a text support service that sends you daily health tips.
  • How It Works

Before you start, it is good to read the entire program guide to understand what foods are recommended and what should be avoided. For example: low-sugar fruits such as berries, green apples, lemons, and lime are allowed, while high-sugar fruits such as bananas, pineapples and peaches are labeled "skipping." Fish and seafood should be caught in the wild and harvested in a sustainable manner (farmed fish can be fed with antibiotics and not contaminated with contaminants); meat should be organic and grazing (these types of meat may have higher levels of essential vitamins and nutrients compared to whole grains); and starchy vegetables such as corn and white potatoes should be avoided. The biggest cut in this program is alcohol; gluten and cereals; refined sugar; mixed sauces, dips, and marinades; and milk, which I know, in theory, sounds like a LOT, but be assured that there are so many amazing places that are approved by the system as alternatives to dairy-free (including cheese!) and gluten-free snacks and food on the market that you will not feel completely deprived (I even made pizza). the other night).

The average meal day is as follows:

As soon as you wake up, drink 16 ounces of water.

Breakfast: Smoothie or shake with Clean Green Protein scoop.

Lunch: Recommended meal (recommended to fill your plate with 3/4 colored vegetables, without starch and another 1/4 can be healthy fats like avocados and protein or other meat, but feel free to create it. Food based foods, attention to portions -the most difficult foods are beyond your control). This is where you should also take your Gut Complex, which is best before meals as it is full of digestive enzymes designed to help you digest your food.

Candy: Pure processed foods such as handfuls of almonds, green apples and a tablespoon of almond butter, and whole grain cereals with guacamole.

Very early in the morning: It's like lunch, which includes a Gut Complex pack.

Evening: A cup of herbal caffeine-free tea (if you like).

My Favorite Food

My favorite breakfast was a blend of berries, almond milk, Pure Green Protein (which tastes like vanilla protein powder) and a sprinkle of chia seeds. For lunch, I used to fry chicken in the air and place it on a bed of vegetables with avocados, carrots, cucumbers, and my favorite new dish, Dreamy Italian from Primal Kitchen. For a light snack, I found that a few almonds or a green apple with almond butter were enough to hold me until dinner. My husband and I found ourselves often making wild-caught salmon ground with amino acids (variants such as soy sauce), garlic, ginger and cauliflower rice and broccoli for dinner. We also make a short ribbon fed on sweet grass dipped in water with the same mixture as salmon. One night, we made roasted tomato soup from scratch with milk-free fried cheese and gluten-free, which was very interesting.

Good and evil

If you are a lazy dieter, you will not like this program. Since you will not be able to use mixed sauces and condiments, you should do everything from scratch. This really took a while, but you should have known exactly what I was putting into my body. And because meat needs to be grown and eaten with grass, this has made our weekly grocery bills very high, and in addition to the program costs, this can seem like the 15 most expensive days. While this may be true, a 30-minute health training session, endless email help, and peace of mind that you are eating clean food without unnecessary additives feels worth the cost, if you can. Because this program is an investment, it is important to note that it is not widely available, and does not cover all household income.

Probably the biggest “expert” for me is that, following 15 days, my body felt changed. My husband and I “celebrated” the end of Clense by eating pizza and wine on the 16th, but I felt like a mess at the end of the night. Drinking more than one glass of wine or beer actually made me sick — as well as heavy food, milk, and sugar. These symptoms are perfectly acceptable, however — my body was so used to nourishing them, that returning them to the inflammatory process I was experiencing gave me a bad reaction. Apparently this was not all in my head, either: "If you were drinking wine slowly before Clense, it could be a candida-type condition that the sugar in the wine was saturated, which could lead to dementia," said Raj Barker, a health coach at The Well. "In that case, the Gut Complex is likely to cure candida and cravings will be reduced by the end of the program. The load of sugar from the wine after cleansing may cause nausea. It is important to remember that alcohol is addictive. The more you have, the more you crave / need it. tolerance — like all stimulants, such as sugar and caffeine — so you need more to feel the effect you want. . "

What I learned

I had no idea how much sugar and trans fats were hidden in condiments, sauces, and clothes, and when I thought about eating them more often, it opened my eyes to how many unnecessary additives I used every day. Coconut amino acids have been a great addition to my diet and add a delicious flavor to meat and vegetables — overall, much better than a packed marinade.

I also learned that my parts were beyond my control. During my training session, Barker told me that a typical plate should consist of 70% raw carbohydrates (fruits and vegetables) and the other 30 percent divided between 15% healthy fats (avocados, olives, unsweetened coconut products) and and 15%. protein. This is a difficult and normal measure, so Barker says that as you work on cleaning, you may find that you are someone who needs more protein and can adjust properly. He tells me: “The way you can tell [your parts] is how you feel. "It's not so much about weight-based cleansing — certainly not about calories or something like that — but more about how food leaves you feeling." Before cleansing, I would get seconds into a pasta bowl even if I was on the brink of fullness, so by re-measuring my parts during cleansing, I was able to figure out how much my body needed to feel comfortable on the outside. overeating.

It also became apparent that my routine was actually draining my body. It is recommended that you eat dinner at about 6 or 7 p.m. Cleansing so that your body has time between your last meal of the day and when you are resting to digest food and process food, which requires a lot of energy. "In our waking hours, most of our energy shifts to digestion, and when we sleep, the goal is to have an empty stomach and get out of that digestive system so we can start focusing on repair and recovery and recovery as we are at bedtime," Barker said. we get out "of the repair mode. I can really be a victim of this myself by working late and having dinner at a funny hour which makes me wake up bloated and off-kilter. Forcing myself to turn off my laptop and eat before has become a direct game changer.


Weight loss was not my primary goal, but I realized that I had more muscle mass in my body, which was the result of fat loss due to the refined sugar and alcohol that allowed the muscles I had gained from regular Pilates classes to reach. show some more. "You focus on filling your body with nutritious nutrients and minerals, and that's using food as a medicine that has a very positive effect quickly," Barker said.