See How Your Health Affects Your Skin

1.How to Keep Your Skin Beautiful

Your skin protects your body, but that is not all. Silent face on earth. When it is healthy, it is a source of beauty. The decisions you make every day - what you eat, where you go, how you feel - affects how your skin looks. Use this visual guide to keep your skin fresh, healthy, and wrinkled.

2.You Have Food in Your Face

Looking for beautiful skin? Be careful with your diet. A diet high in vitamin C and a diet low in fat and carbohydrates are associated with better appearance as your skin grows. Changing your diet will help your appearance. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as fish, fruits and vegetables, seem to help protect the skin. Some studies suggest that to prevent fractures, you should get complex carbohydrates (such as whole grains and pasta) as well as healthy proteins. Milk can also be linked to acne flares.

Eat Your Vitamins

Your anti-aging cream may contain vitamin C or E. Put these antioxidants into action, too. Eating foods rich in these vitamins, as well as mineral selenium, can help protect your skin from sun damage. They may even help to reverse the aging process, such as wrinkles and discoloration of the skin.

4.Avoid Old Aging Skin

Exercise benefits all parts of your body - including your largest organ, the skin. Exercise improves blood circulation, helping to nourish the skin. Improved blood flow brings more oxygen and nutrients and may help your skin produce collagen, which prevents wrinkles. Don't worry about the sweat - exercise will not close your pores. Wash your face immediately after exercising and avoid tight-fitting headbands, which can trap sweat and irritate the skin.

5.Get Relax In Your Beauty

Burn a candle on both ends for a few nights, and you can see it reflected on your face: Dark circles under the eyes, pale skin, and puffy eyes. Getting 7-8 hours a night will keep your body and skin in top condition. It is important how you sleep, and - rest your face on a pillow in the same place for years, and you will get wrinkles when the skin is pressed against the pillow. Sleeping on your stomach will lift the bags under your eyes. The solution? Lie on your back.

6.How Pregnancy Changes Your Skin

Stretch marks - 90% of pregnant women get them. She may disappear after giving birth. Moisturizers can slightly improve the appearance of stretch marks. Vitamin A supplements given by a doctor or laser treatment can also help, but should not be used during pregnancy. Acne is another common skin problem, caused by excess hormones in your body. Your best bet is to avoid rash and wash your face twice a day and use a non-greasy moisturizer. Ask your doctor before using any acne products.

7.Avoiding Melasma

Some women develop dark spots - melasma - on their faces when they are pregnant or taking birth control pills. Increased melanin, which makes the skin its own color, is the cause of these dark spots. Melasma usually disappears after giving birth or when you stop taking the pill. Prevent discoloration by wearing sunscreen at all times and avoiding the sun. Melasma can also be treated with chemical peels or topical labels of hydroquinone, retinoids, azelaic acid, niacinamide, kojic acid, or hydroxy acid to lighten patches. But strict avoidance of sunlight is necessary.

8.Keep harmful Rays on the Skin

Whether you have been a worshiper of the sun or not, it is possible that your skin is damaged by the sun. About 90% of all skin damage is caused by the sun. As your time in the sun increases, so does your risk of skin cancer. Protect the skin by always wearing a blood-spectrum sunblock. Look for products that contain zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, or avobenzone. Sunscreens with an SPF of 30 or higher are best. Wear wide-brimmed hats and long sleeves, and avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the radiation is very strong.

9.How to Care for Aging Skin

As you grow older, your skin changes. Your body does not produce as much collagen, and the elastin that allows the skin to regenerate is weakened. And you do not create or lose skin cells immediately. To improve skin aging, remove the skin to remove dead skin, apply a mild soap, and moisturize frequently. Use over-the-counter retinoids to reduce fine wrinkles, or ask your doctor about a doctor's version. Above all, do not go into the sun.

10.Should You Drink Coffee or Wear It?

The caffeine found in coffee and tea dehydrates the body, so it may cause your skin to dry out. But research has found that when applied over the skin, caffeine can help reverse sun damage and lower risk of other skin cancers - in mice, at least. Researchers are now trying to determine if topical caffeine protects a person's skin, too.

11.Decide for yourself

Too much alcohol harms your skin and your body. Alcohol is a diuretic; causes the body to lose water. That can affect dry skin. It also opens the blood vessels. This is why drinkers often have a red, glowing face. Over time, these arteries can be permanently damaged, leaving the skin red. Alcohol, especially red wine, can cause rosacea rashes.

12.Stop, of course!

Simply put, smoking is not good for your skin: It is the second time in the day to cause premature wrinkles and dry skin. In fact, under a microscope you can see wrinkles in smokers in their 20's. Smoking reduces blood flow to the skin and contributes to the breakdown of collagen. Decreased collagen means more wrinkles. And yes, forcing your lips over and over again to promote wrinkles, too. You cannot reverse the damage, but you can stop it by stopping smoking.