6 Puppet Exercise for Long, Weak Muscles

The power of your thigh says a lot about your normal fitness and performance. As one of the main muscle groups in the body, the thighs are responsible for creating balance and harmony throughout. The more we work hard, the more likely we are to be able to move on a daily basis in the years to come.

Anatomy degeneration of MYASFitness certified NXM trainer Lauren Sambataro explains: “The thigh includes three muscle groups: quadriceps complex (front), hamstrings complex (back), and the adductor complex (medially), known as lovingly called the inner thighs. ”When these muscles are strong, your body is balanced and stable.

The most effective method of pumping does not require strenuous exercise equipment. In fact, most thigh exercises can be done with just your body weight, dumbbell, or wise use of the surrounding material at home.

Not sure where to start? Continue to learn our expert tips and the six pump exercises you should try in your next exercise.

Safety and Precautionary Measures

Although pumpkin exercises are generally safe if done properly, some, especially those that carry weight, are less suitable if you suffer from injuries to the lower back, shins, calves and / or hips. It is also important to be flexible before exercising in order to minimize congestion and ensure that muscles and joints have enough joints to complete the exercise without causing weight gain.


The issue of spot treatment has been widely discussed for those who want to change the look of a particular area such as the thighs. However, this is an unproven approach. Instead, science points to cardio — as a temporary high-intensity training — to shed unwanted fat throughout the body, and strength training or conditioning to build and feel muscle.1

Another common belief is that if you have a genetic predisposition to have “small” legs, you simply cannot build muscle. While it can be a big challenge, it is very possible to create energy in the lower body with a lifting program that suits you and perhaps even a few food exchanges here and there.

Benefits of Pumpkin Exercise

In terms of function, the thigh muscles are what make the leg move at the knees. "Quads and hamstrings allow your leg to bend / bend and stretch, while adductors help pull the leg together," said Noom coach Jenna Kilgore. In other words, pumpkins play a vital role in the proper functioning of our daily movements.

However, certain overworked muscles can cause an imbalance between the right and left sides of the body. "Usually, we have quad, which is why it's important not to leave the hamstrings out of the equation," warns Sambataro. "Multiple combined exercises, rather than isolating them, are the best way to tighten the thigh muscles so that we stay stable and strong, and prevent injury."

Speaking of injury prevention, Kilgore is concerned with reducing the chances of "injury and / or risk of falls, as well as easy recovery from existing injuries" when our thighs work evenly. Sambataro adds: "It is important not to separate the thigh muscles as they work together in the joints and bones, and as a group to flex, stretch, and rotate the legs."

6 Puppet Exercise What You Should Try


Multi-Directional Lunge

Aligning all the thigh muscles, the multi-directional joint improves lower body movement and improves your speed.2

  • Start with the right foot planted and then move or back the left foot.
  • Make sure you keep your head and eyes forward and keep your pelvis and shoulders in front.
  • Rub the body down the joint before pushing the front heel to return to the starting position.
  • Next, move the left foot to the side with the back leg, keeping the right leg straight and pushing the right heel to bring it back to the center.
  • Now, move the left leg forward and sink into the joint before going back.
  • Finally, cross the left leg right behind into the curtsey lunge, to work the quads and inner thighs.
  • Swap legs and finish on the other side.


Rotation of Sumo Squat

Sumo squat rotation is a workout routine to improve muscle flexibility and inner thigh function.

  • Stand with your feet slightly open at hip height and turn your feet outwards, rotating your hips outwards.
  • With your hands clasped together at your chest or hips, squat down, keeping your back straight and your upper body raised.
  • From here, roll in one leg to reach the lung area, then return to the center.
  • Swap from side to side.


Eccentric Jump Squats

The eccentric (lower) phase of this activity loads and expands the thigh muscles, before adding a plyometric element to increase your strength.

  • To keep the spine neutral, push your hips back and lower your squat a third, making sure the knees do not overlap the toes.
  • Focus on the bottom of your squat.
  • Vigorously, push on your heels and squeeze your glute as you jump into the air, slowly lower yourself and return to the squat.
  • Repeat with the tempo count of three counters down, one count upwards.


Narrow Stance Pulse Squat

This exercise is similar to a normal back squat, except that your feet will always be closer than shoulder width to straighten the quads and adductor muscles.

  • Your feet are in a narrow position, go down to the squat area as if you were going to sit down in a chair, and stand where you are comfortable.
  • Drive a short distance — no more than half a mile — and back down.
  • Keep hitting a few rounds before returning to the starting position again.


Kickstand Romanian Deadlift

This activity works on the back of the body, especially the hamstrings and adductors, to increase strength and lower body mass.

Stand with movement, right leg forward and most of your weight is balanced on the foot. The hind leg is used fofor support but shouldn't carry much of the weight.

Either using your body weight or with a dumbbell/kettlebell, hinge at the hips, maintaining a neutral spine, while reaching towards the floor.

Squeeze your glutes as you raise back up, keeping a neutral spine. You should feel the movement in the hamstring.

Repeat for 8-12 repetitions and switch legs.


Shoulder Bridge and Squeeze

This is a classic Pilates move which engages your core, works the glutes and abs, and also stabilizes the shoulders. Adding a squeeze to the movement enlists the inner thighs. 

  • Lie on your back with both feet on the floor and place a ball between your knees to engage the inner thighs.
  • Push through the heels into a bridge position, squeezing your glutes at the top.
  • While maintaining this position, squeeze the ball between knees and hold for 10-20 seconds.
  • Lower back down and repeat for a few rounds.